
JavaScript Compression Tool

  • Copy & Paste Javascript Code
  • Upload Javascript Files
  • Output
or drag them here.
Download Stats: % compression, saving kb

What Is This?

JSCompress.com is an online javascript compressor that allows you to compress and minify your javascript files. Compressed javascript files are ideal for production environments since they typically reduce the size of the file by 30-80%.

Why Would I Want To Compress Javascript?

There are a number of reasons why compressing your javascript files is a good idea:

  • Quicker download times for your users.
  • Reduced bandwidth consumption of your website.
  • Reduced number of HTTP requests on your server when combining many javascript files into one compressed file, thus reducing the server load and allowing more visitors to access your website.
  • Comments and whitespace are not needed for javascript execution; Removing them will reduce file size and speed up script execution times.

What Javascript Compression Method is Used?

JSCompress.com uses UglifyJS2 for all javascript minification and compression.

Source code on GitHub. Also check out JSONLint.com.


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